When packing boxes for office moving it is important to follow a correct procedure.
An appropriately packed box is the only thing that protects the items that are being moved and it helps in minimizing damages that can occur during moving. Below are some of the tips that will help you in packing a box in the right manner.
Use some tape on the bottom
If you are using a carton then there is a possibility that the base of the box is open or weak. Boxes are not so strong from the bottom and if you intend to fill in some heavy items in the boxes then make sure you tape the bottom of the box in order to add some strength there. If the base of the box is strong it will keep the box from tearing apart due to the weight that is inside it.
Follow an order
While packing a box you should always follow an order. Make sure that you pack in the heaviest items first and work your way up by adding light weight items on the top. It is important to follow this order for couple of reasons.
If the heavy items are packed on the base, it will ensure that the lightweight items do not break because under the heavy ones. Moreover, this order will also give more stability to the box and will help in loading and unloading.
Bubble wrap and foam
When you pack a box you will often notice that there is empty space left in the box. If you do not fill those empty spaces before packing the box with a tape, the items in the box will keep moving and shift places while moving that may result in breakages and damages.
Filling in some foam or bubble wrap will fix the items in place and also make the box more stable.
There are countless other considerations to be aware of when relocating offices. For more on our commercial moving services, call us on (647) 497-7747 or fill out our Contact Form for a free consultation.